- 在擦拭貂鼠油前,先清潔皮革表面髒污 (使用時皮件需保持乾燥)。
- 用乾淨(白色)軟布或海绵沾取少許的貂鼠油,輕輕(打圈)擦拭於皮革表面 (因貂鼠油純度高,一次沾的用量不需太多)。
- 擦拭後,請放在通風良好的地方待乾即可。
- 使用前,請先在皮革製品不明顯的地方上試驗是否適用。
- 如有產品使用上問題歡迎來電洽詢。
- 如不慎接觸到眼睛,請立即沖水並馬上就醫。
- 本產品不可食用,並置於兒童無法拿取之處及陰涼處保存。
溫馨提示: 防水亮光貂油及防水滋潤貂油的分別
防水亮光貂油: 使用後可以令光面表面的皮革回復光亮的效果。
Paste-like animal-derived fats and oils, suitable for all smooth surface of leather products; not suitable for the suede, fur, fluff fur and leather with mult-coatings
Made of pure natural animal oils and fats, without irritating or harming chemical substances for environmental friendliness.
It can be absorbed through the pores of the leather to achieve the effect of moisturizing and maintenance. After use, the leather surface will appear bright and shiny.
It can be absorbed through the pores of the leather to achieve the effect of moisturizing and maintenance. After use, the leather surface will appear shiny.
Moisturize the leather and maintain the toughness of the leather; at the same time, it has an excellent waterproof effect, which can prevent the leather from drying and cracking and prolong the life of the leather. It can have a natural lustre after use.
[Use effect one]: Supplement leather nutrients, moisturize the leather, extend its service life, and show natural lustre.
[Use effect two]: Excellent waterproof effect, prevents moisture from penetrating into the leather, and prevents dryness and cracking.
Transparent and colourless, suitable for leather of any colour.
Nourishing and restoring original colour with brightness. Repairing any crease lines.
How to use :
- Before applying the mink oil, wipe the dirt off on the surface of the leather (the leather should be kept dry during use) .
- Dip a small amount of mink oil with a clean (white) soft cloth or sponge, and apply gentle in circular motion on the leather surface (do not apply excessively due to the high purity of mink oil) .
- After wiping, allow to dry in a well-ventilated place.
- Test in a small, inconspicuous area first
- If you have any questions about the use of the product, please call us.
- If you accidentally come into contact with your eyes, please rinse immediately and seek medical attention immediately.
- This product is not edible and should be stored in a cool place where children cannot reach it
The difference between Mink Oil and Dubbin
Mink oil: After applied the Mink oil, the leather surface can become brightening.
Dubbin: It can apply to leather goods that have not been used for a long time which cause leather cracks. After applied, it will replenish oil and re-moisturizing the leather good. Also, it has a better waterproof effect than Mink oil.
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